
Random thoughts while staying at the Super 8

Watching TV last night, I learned a few things:

Kevin Arnold has the most mobile scalp on the planet! He can shift that thing from front to back and from side to side quicker than you can say Winnie Cooper (who by the way has a new book out - based on the article I read it sounds like the real life Winnie is an idiot. But I refuse to believe it because Winnie is perfect.) From one expression to the next, Kevin Arnolds ears become his chin, his chin moves up to his forehead, and his forehead becomes his neck. It's amazing.

CMT (I think it's Country Music Television?) has some fantastic programming. They have a funniest home videos show, only it's with rednecks. You MUST see this show. It should be on one of the major networks. And they also have old Dukes of Hazzard reruns. Good, clean fun.

London bridge fell down last night. Ok, Minneapolis. I'm a few hours north of there, but it's big news around here.

The movie 28 Days is eminently rewatchable. I'm a Sandra Bullock fan! I know, I have problems.

One news station said that they're going to give pigeons birth control pills in Los Angeles. Not sure if that's true or not, but while we're on the subject, where are all the baby pigeons??? Do the adult pigeons hide the babies until they are ready to be debuted as adults? Do pigeons have nests??? WHERE ARE THE BABIES!

Sorry, I'm getting carried away.

A few other notes from the trip that I've forgotten to mention-

Don't bother asking a bar what beer they have. I will tell you exactly what they have: Bud, Bud Light, Miller, Miller Lite, Coors, Coors Light, Mikes Hard Lemonade, and maybe a Michelob Amber Bock if you're lucky. I've gone into bars and been asked 'what would you like?' - and I made the silly mistake of asking if they had Corona - NO -, Sam Adams? - NO -, Sierra Nevada? NO - OK, fine. How 'bout you tell me what you DO have.... and then we get into the inevitable listing of - Bud, Bud Light, Miller Lite - I love it. Sometimes I ask just to be amused by The List. It's funny, they always list Bud before Miller. Maybe they're going in alphabetical order.

And one last item of interest - they call bags 'sacks' out here.
The first time the clerk asked 'would you like a sack for that?' - I was extremely confused. My mind scanned through all the sacks it knew... quarterback sack? Noo. Sack of potatoes? Couldn't be. Sometimes people refer to bags of marijuana as sacks - but that couldn't be it... I ran out of Sack possibilities and had to ask -- Ummmm, what's a sack? You know, BAG. Would you like a bag for that? Ohhhhh, you mean a BAG! Ok. Um, no thanks. It's just a gatorade and a candy bar, I think I can manage.
So, if you ever travel in the plains states - bags are sacks.


Anonymous said...

um Viets, just so you know Winnie Cooper is a classified genius and wrote a math book for students, so she is very smart and well hot, just google her and you will see for yourself that is all!

bill said...

Hey, I went to the addicted.com site. There is a specialist named Rebecca Cooper (she is an eating disorder specialist). Do you think there is any relation to Winnie there? Coincidence? I think not.